5 Signs Your Contractor is Just Not Into You

Not since the mid-2000s has the construction market been this hot. And while that’s wonderful for the economy in general, it has many contractors acting like prima donnas. Sadly, they forget all-too-quickly what it’s like to be scratching and clawing for jobs, and instead go into a take-it-or-leave-it mode.

Feel like your contractor candidates are just not that into your project? Here are 5 signs you need to move on to someone that truly WANTS your business:

1. They Won’t Call You Back

Oh, how frustrating is it when your call after call goes unanswered? All you want is the decency of a callback, even if it’s to tell you, “I’m too busy to look at your project right now.”

There are usually two reasons for the no call back: 1. the contractor is too busy on current jobs and simply does not have the time (or inclination) to return your call, or 2. the contractor is booked out so far that they can’t do your job and think ignoring you is a logical option.

Either way, it’s bad business, and you should walk away from this contractor after the second call goes unanswered.

2. They Won’t Give You an Estimate

So you got a returned call and even an initial job walk, but no matter how many calls, texts or emails you send the estimate never came through? Yep, your contractor is just not that into your project.

Think of it this way: if it’s this difficult to get an estimate, how difficult will it be to get a project schedule, a start date, a confirmation of your materials or even answers to your mid-construction questions?

Be wise– take the lack of an estimate as a HUGE warning sign, and move on to the next candidate.

3. Their Estimate is Crazy-High

Sometimes when a contractor’s just not into your project he high-balls you. He adds 10, 20 or even 50 percent to your estimate in the hopes that you will go away.

The mindset is, “well, if they award it at least we’ll make a killing.”

While this concept sorta complies with the notion of supply and demand, it’s not a good way to treat potential customers. It’s better to politely decline the project and let the customer move on to a more competitive bidder.

If you get the feeling you’re getting gouged (and make sure you have a good grasp of industry-standard costs before you make an accusation like this) then do everyone a favor and simply move on down the line of qualified contractors.

4. They Won’t Offer Any Type of Approximate Start Dates

If your potential contractor won’t even give you an educated guess of a start date, trust me, they’re too busy for you. Either that or they have a poor grasp of their own business. Either way, any reputable contractor should know how far out they’re booked and if they don’t they should have a REALLY good reason.

Like the inability to provide an estimate above, a contractor that can’t give you a firm start date certainly won’t be able to provide the more difficult to ascertain finish date. And that, friends, is the recipe for a 4-month kitchen remodel!

5. They Make You do All the Design Work

One final way a contractor tries to make clients go away is by shouldering them with all the design work.

“Sure, I’d love to do your job, just go pick out your counters, backsplash, grout, sink, faucet, hardware, cabinet color, wall color, ceiling color, flooring, baseboard, appliances and lighting and then we’ll be ready to go!”

Ugh, no thanks.

If your contractor does not have the time or team to walk you through design they probably don’t have the time or team to execute on your project, even IF you made all of your selections.

So spare yourself hour after hour in the material showrooms and find a contractor that wants to take care of you.

Contact kitchen & bath CRATE Today!

We Will Call you back, We Will Give You an Estimate, We Will Collaborate on the Design With You and You Will Always get Our Fair, CRATE Prices and CRATE Timeline.

Are your contractor candidates guilty of one or more of the above indiscretions? Do you get the feeling that your potential contractors are not that into you? If so, give us a call (we’ll answer! Scott and Willy already have their phones out!) and we’ll walk you through our 9-Step Process for your kitchen or bath CRATE.

So enough with those contractors that don’t love your project, call the team that will treat your home like their own home: (888) 995-7996.