You Might be a kitchenCRATE Customer if…

You Might be a kitchenCRATE Customer if…

… you’d hate to lose use of your kitchen for months at a time. … you want, no, you DESERVE a new kitchen, for goodness sakes! … you’re a bit reluctant to have people over for the holidays because your kitchen embarrasses you (maybe a...
Current Design Trend: 2-Tone Cabinets

Current Design Trend: 2-Tone Cabinets

Two-tone cabinets are all the rage these days, offering a huge design bang-for-the-buck.  Our kitchenCRATE design team is great at finding two colors that not only compliment each other but also make the other finishes come together in a symphony of tone and texture....

The Evolution of a Tagline

The spring of 2015 brought about some exciting changes at kitchenCRATE, among them the launch of our franchising entity, a website redesign, and an all-new tagline. As we worked through the process of franchising, we realize how critical it is that our processes,...