Estimate Your Bathroom Remodel Cost!

Answer a few simple questions about your bathroom remodeling project and get an immediate price approximation. Pricing is based on homes located within 30 minutes of Modesto, CA. If you want our team to learn about your project, simply send an email on the last step!



Thanks you for estimating your bathCRATE!

Are You Looking to Renovate Your Master or Hall Bathroom?


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Is Your Toilet in a Separate, Dedicated Room?


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Does Your Bathroom Have a Linen Closet?


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Describe Your Desired Future Tub/Shower Configuration.


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How Many Niches do You Want in Your Shower?


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How Many Sinks do You Have (or Want)?


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What Size is Your Hall Bathroom?


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Do You Want to Replace Your Hall Vanity or Refinish Your Vanity?


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What Size is Your Master Bathroom?


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Describe Your Desired Future Tub/Shower Configuration in Your Master Bathroom


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How Many Niches do You Want in Your Master Shower?


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How Many Sinks do You Have (or Want) in Your Master Bathroom?


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Do You Want to Replace Your Vanity or Refinish Your Master Vanity?


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Is Your Toilet in a Separate, Dedicated Room?


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Does Your Bathroom Have a Linen Closet?


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What Type of Hall Shower Door/Enclosure do You Want?


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What Type of Shower Door/Enclosure do You Want?


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Estimated Project Cost

Your approximate price estimate for your local project is:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam faucibus lectus ac massa dictum, rhoncus bibendum mauris volutpat.
Enter your name & email to get a copy of your estimate along with a discount code for your CRATE project.

Project Summary

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :
This form is an estimation tool. Although we have budgeted these materials into this estimate, final pricing would need to reflect your choice in shower/tub combinations, countertops, vanities, flooring, tile selections, style and type of cabinet door and drawer faces, flooring and actual size of your bathroom. This estimate does NOT include appliances, tubs, etc. Before we start a project, we will provide you with a proposal of final pricing when we meet with you at your home. By entering your email, you approve that we add your email to our newsletter list where we periodically send pretty project pictures. You are allowed to opt-out of the newsletter at any time.