Cleaning Tile Countertops

From the 1960’s to 2000’s tile dominated the kitchen countertop market due to its relative affordability and durability. Tile has maintained its popularity as it a low-cost alternative to natural stone, while offering a wide variety of styles, colors and patterns. But people often wonder how to clean tile countertops.  The issue with tile has always been the grout, more specifically cleaning the grout. The porous nature of grout leaves it susceptible to trapping dirt and staining easily. This also causes it to be a home for mildew and bacteria, which is far from ideal when it’s the surface where you prepare your food. (Yuck!)

There are several approaches to cleaning grout, ranging from green, environmentally friendly options to stronger commercial products or professional cleaning services.

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Option 1 – How to Clean Tile Countertops Using Natural Products

When experimenting with cleaning a surface it is recommended to start with the mildest cleaning solution option first. You can get started cleaning your grout with supplies you probably already have in your kitchen. For an all-natural option, spray the grout with a solution of one part vinegar to one part warm water and scrub with a stiff-bristle brush. There are bristle brushes made specifically for this purpose and can be found at most home improvement stores.

If you are battling particularly troublesome spots create a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Apply the paste using an old toothbrush and then scrub. Using an old electric toothbrush can help speed up the process.

Option 2 – Using Commercial Products

There’s a wide array of commercial products available, some specifically designed for cleaning grout. Other multi-surface oxygen bleach solutions are also very effective. Follow the product’s directions and always rinse with clean water to ensure that dirt doesn’t resettle in the grout lines. Avoid chlorine bleach-based cleaners as they can cause the grout to erode and potentially damage the tiles.

Regardless of the method used, to help preserve your hard work use a grout sealer. Let the grout dry for 24 hours after cleaning and then simply apply the sealer using the manufacturer recommendations. (Here’s a product you might consider using.)


A classic 1960’s tile kitchen. Brown on brown on brown. Yes!

Option 3 – Call a Professional

If you have neither the time nor the inclination to apply some elbow-grease to cleaning your grout there are professional services that will do it for you. Trained technicians clean the tile and grout; removing mold, mildew, and bacteria. Many services also offer seals that can help with the longevity and can create a uniform look to the grout lines. Some grout sealers give the option to either restore the original color of the grout or change to a completely new color.

Option 4 – Say Goodbye to the Grout

Of course, you may want to put the days of cleaning grout behind you forever. A kitchenCRATE kitchen remodel can be more affordable and faster than you may think. One concern many people have about kitchen remodels is the amount of time it will take to complete. To ease those fears kitchenCRATE guarantees on-time completion. Let kitchenCRATE transform your kitchen countertops from dingy and germ-harboring into sleek and easy to clean. Contact us today for more information at (888) 995-7996.

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Photo Credits & Special Thanks

4 options infographic
Anne Marie H. Bergthold |

title macro
Photo by Amy |
Creative Commons Share License:

1960’s Tiled Kitchen
Photo by aaron_anderer |
Creative Commons Share License:

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